In-House Seminar

The best way to open communications and build trust with a group or team of people is to have them in the same room and have them engage in learning and activities about themselves and each other.  Our seminars are specifically designed to engage people to break down barriers and fears, to communicate with greater understanding, and to address real-world people and organizational challenges.  We do this by creating a fun, safe, active, engaging, and adult-based learning environment.  With clear, impactful, individualized and group/team objectives for the seminar, we drive to produce the motivation and action plans for individuals to apply their learnings immediately.

Then, following up, we coach individuals to work through any resistance, issues, challenges and to keep applying the key learnings.  Then, we bring the group/team (or workgroups) together (online or face-to-face) to reinforce learnings, work through questions and challenges, and encourage continued application.  We constantly seek and share successes to further reinforce community, relationship, and best practices!

With a tailored approach of cooperating and collaborating with the sponsoring in-house person(s), we promise achievable results that provide at least a five to one payoff!  We help you calculate what that will be for you.

Do yourself, your people, your leadership, and your organization a productive service and contact us now to begin exploring just how our in-house seminar will positively impact the results you get by implementing the Get Buy-In Formula™.